Glidden 500 Paint Sprayer Manual
Glidden 500 Paint Sprayer Manual

Glidden 500 Paint Sprayer Manual

Make sure that a section is completely wet before you decide to move to the next section, otherwise, you will have to go back and spray some parts that seem to have received less spray. If you are painting horizontal surfaces, then paint from one edge and paint to the opposite edge. When painting vertical surfaces, you should start from the top and then progress downwards. That allows the spray pattern to transfer the optimum amount of paint with minimal waste.

Glidden 500 Paint Sprayer Manual

When painting, you should hold the gun’s nozzle about eight inches from the work surface. Using a pipe that is six feet long allows the air to cool and therefore alleviate that problem. It also does not seep into cracks to anchor itself firmly. Warm paint dries faster and does not get enough time to spread and level out. The incoming air transfers the heat to the paint during atomization. When a short pipe is used, there is little time for the heat to dissipate before it gets to the paint. When the HVLP is running, the turbine generates heat. If you do not have a strainer, the find a similar substitute and strain the fuel. You will also need to filter the remaining fuel to remove the remaining debris. Once the nozzle is blocked or clogged, the standard procedure is to disassemble the gun and remove the blockage. That is important because the nozzle is only 1.4millimeters and gets clogged easily with even the smallest debris commonly found in paints. When you are filling the HVLP sprayer reservoir, always use a standard paint strainer. The conditioner is designed to improve the paint’s viscosity without affecting its adhesive properties. Instead of adding more water and exceeding the 25% limit, you can use a latex paint conditioner to decrease viscosity. Sometimes thinning with water alone will not work. Otherwise, the excessively thinned paint will fail to adhere properly to the workpiece surface and fall off when it dries. Avoid adding more than 25% water to any paint.

Glidden 500 Paint Sprayer Manual

Add 10% water, mix thoroughly, and if the paint still appears thicker, add 5 percent more water and some thoroughly again. While the amount of water required will vary from brand to brand, the procedure to start thinning is the same. To avoid that from happening, you need to mix the latex paint with water in the right proportions. If you fail to thin it, it will fail to come of out the spray gun or come out as messy blobs. That’s because it’s thicker than other common paints and will not work properly with any HVLP spray in that state. When you want to use quality latex paint, you must thin it first. Prep Properly: How To Mix Paint For HVLP Sprayer In this guide, we look at the steps you can take to achieve that goal using latex paint. HVLP guns are known for having a less overspray and higher efficiency regarding paint transfer.

#Glidden 500 Paint Sprayer Manual how to#

While you can hire a professional to do the job, you could alternatively save yourself some money if you know how to mix paint for HVLP sprayer. Are thinking of redecorating or creating an artistic masterpiece of your own? Paint is one of the most economical ways you can achieve it.

Glidden 500 Paint Sprayer Manual